Jun 2, 2015

Shelf Conversations: Error. Crises.

It's the appropriate place for an error, one would think. They give you something to erase the pencil marks. Much easier. The lessons continue later and later. They don't give you anything though. The classes are ever more difficult to comprehend.
The Coup says nothing, observing the passing day.
The enthusiasm of his neighbour is grating ever so slightly.
"Would you like to borrow an eraser?" asks the Errors in School.
After an awkward silence comes the rather abrupt reply.
"Should I make a mistake I will be sure to let you know."


Shelf Conversations: Addiction and a Certain British Upper Lip

"The powder was dissolved in alcohol." the Eater explained. "All relatively dismal in hindsight."
"Quite" came the sharp reply from the left. "Would you excuse me I'm trying to rest my eyes. That time of day you see."
The Eater continued "Yes, that time of day indeed. Everybody has a vice, Old Chap."
A quick response again "Rest is not a vice. You cannot dissolve it in anything."

Shelf Conversations: Economics and Eden

"Not much space here I'm afraid." whispered Eden "What is it that you do exactly?"
"I balance" the Economics bellowed. "And yourself?"
Eden paused and had to think.
"Something nice, maybe, I'm on my way somewhere" Eden beamed.
"You seem to be relatively still, do you know where you're going?" Economics asked furrowing and feigning.
"Somewhere." replied Eden. "Somewhere."

Shelf Conversations: Dispute and Invention

A draft, design, an independent throne. Where did the modern start? Has this already been done once before. One really couldn't tell.
Modern Rome exclaimed "The aqueduct! The aqueduct!"
"And water makes the Modern capable" replied the Heaps "We know the aqueduct well enough."

Shelf Conversation: Simple Things and Hope

The Peripheral in red gazed longingly at his neighbour. 
"Some simple things becoming precious." he smiled. "Soon enough one might wonder at your name"
Utopia replied."The simple things, the complexity, and everything in between. A fiction and yet a hope. My name is everywhere."

Shelf Conversation: Thermodynamic Fiction

Liaisons leaned away. His red clothed friend remained upright and alert.
"It's really rather hot here. I'm not sure that they should have sat us here." A sigh. "I may asked the conductor if I might move."

Shelf Conversation: Difficulties and Device

Two pressed together by relativity and religion. One on the left, reserved and waiting for the other to speak first. The other to the right so confident and well rehearsed. A rather fitting match then.

Device begins, quickly offering a thought about the steady weather and assistance should the Faculties feel a chill.

Faculties is not one for words today and with a sigh contends "The temperature is fine enough, I'm not sure that you have a blanket to offer."

Shelf Conversation: The Language in Bloom

Whispering, remembering a quiet path. Two friends might walk and share a word or two. Further down the path, a nettle maybe catching at the skin. The pain is just enough to demonstrate the consequence of a daydream, wandering, not watching where you tread. Wild justice for the petals that we tread beneath or feet.

"The buzzing bee, the breeze, I'm sure they find humour in each other and speak when human steps depart." Said the left.
"The breeze will take a summer hat and send it tumbling ahead. Then the bees and flowers laugh at these strange visitors." Said the right.

Shelf Conversation: Nietzsche and Baudelaire

A quiet conversation about decadence.The Idols and the Le Spleen. There is much to agree upon here.  The fine fabric of Paris is a veil, the struggle to identify a truth and somewhere in our pages we find each other. And yet the philosopher is not gentle in his persuasion. 
"A cold sarcasm against beautiful words", said the Nietzsche to the left. 
"The faint notes of an exquisite taste" said Baudelaire to the right, gazing across the aisle.

Yet each have enough consideration for humanity to lend a few words.