Mar 21, 2013

Miniature Bookshop Official Opening

The official Opening of the fabulous Miniature Bookshop created by Emma Taylor will take place on Wednesday 27 March 2013 at 4:30 pm.

We expect a group of unicyclists to join us for this occasion (Please get your Torker, your Jugglebug or your Semcycle out for this occasion) - the bookseller himself with balance his Ammaco. The unicyclists will assemble at the top of Purbeck Road, and accompany our guests down Purbeck Rd. We are expecting Julian Huppert who will conduct the official opening.

We also have a little facebook event (if you don't mind their advertisement).

Local artist Robert Good will introduce Emma's work and Julian Huppert will cut the ribbon.

After the official opening there will be an opportunity to visit the nearby Cambridge Cookery School and Kip Gresham of the Print Studio will show the visitors around his premises.

The bookshop is located in a protected industrial zone which has in the past hosted high quality art, crafts, and traditional artisan technologies. It is hoped that this tradition can be continued in the future.